Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

We’ll help you get on the path to healing and recovery with life-changing bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

Revive, Rejuvenate, and Refresh Yourself from the Inside Out

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)?

You may have already heard of HRT and its numerous uses: from improving bone density and boosting energy levels to its uses as a revolutionary treatment for the effects of menopause. But synthetic hormones can come with certain risks and aren’t equivalent to the hormones your body naturally produces. Bioidentical hormones are molecularly identical, both structurally and functionally, to those that naturally occur in your body, like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone.

Administered either orally, topically, or inserted just under the skin in a pellet form, bioidentical hormones supplement and replace hormones that we produce less of over time to combat a variety of symptoms.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy - Front
Mind Body & Soul Medical after bioidentical

Why Hormones Matter

Aging, stress, and life in general can take their toll on your body. One of the things that controls much of how we feel, our health, and our general ability to function optimally is our hormones. Even a slight imbalance can heavily affect our bodies’ functioning, which is why it’s important to get our hormones tested.

If you’re older, perimenopausal, menopausal, or struggling with low testosterone, you’re likely experiencing the effects associated with decreased hormone production, on top of daily stressors and endocrine disruptors in our modern environment. These symptoms can range from hot flashes and night sweats to irritability, weakness, depression, decreased libido, muscle loss, erection issues, and weight gain. We can reverse many of these symptoms, restoring your vitality so you can feel young and vibrant again once more.

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What Can I Expect from BHRT at Mind Body & Soul Medical?

We’ll start off with a thorough consultation and perform bloodwork to assess your sex and stress hormone levels. We’ll get to know you and your medical background, history, and lifestyle to determine a plan that’ll have you feeling great so you can go back to enjoying the activities you love.

Initial Visit


Prior to your treatment, we will go through the initial steps of a consultation process where we will monitor your current hormone levels and do your bloodwork. We will work with you to determine what solution fits your specific needs and goals. Before this visit, we recommend that you track your symptoms and create a list of current medications in case we need to perform further tests, including a physical examination. We’ll go over what you specifically need to do prior to this appointment.

First Treatment


Once we get your results back from your bloodwork and have a solid understanding of your anatomy and symptoms that you’d like to address, we will begin with our first administration of either hormone pellets, injections, or topical cream or gel. Regardless of which option is right for you, the actual process is quite short and we will work with you on post-appointment steps.

Follow up Visits


After your initial treatment we will have you schedule a follow-up to retest your hormone levels. During these follow up visits we will work with you to check your progress, levels, and discuss any other feelings you may have around the treatment. Between visits, we ask that you keep some record of how you feel, so we can continue boosting and balancing your hormones as precisely as possible throughout the course of your treatment.

Am I a Candidate for BHRT?

If you’re menopausal or perimenopausal; have low testosterone; are suffering low libido or a lack of energy; have decreased bone density, are unable to lose weight; or are simply wondering if something more is the cause of your symptoms, you’re likely a candidate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy! Hormone replacement therapy is associated with improved outcomes for so many issues like fat loss and lowered cholesterol and can turn the clock back on your health by getting these factors under control. And since bioidentical hormones are easily recognized by your body, they are more suitable for a wider variety of patients and have much fewer side effects than synthetic ones.

Why Choose Us?

At Mind Body & Soul Medical, we’re proud to offer regenerative medicine options that take a holistic look at you and your lifestyle to get you the most effective and lasting results. We’re passionate about improving peoples’ lives through holistic wellness and have seen firsthand how beneficial BHRT can be in reviving patients’ former energy levels, physique, and mood. Our practitioners’ medical expertise, compassionate nature, and comprehensive approach make our practice a welcoming place for you to rediscover yourself. We’ll never be pushy or brush off