Anti-aging Effects
Smooth over fine lines and wrinkles to recall your youth.
Bunny Lines
Little wrinkles form from scrunching the nose.
Patysmal Neck Bands
Reduce bands that form along the neck.
Crow’s Feet
Feel confident in your smile!
Gummy Smile
No orthodontics required for this smile fix!
Chin Dimpling & Downturned Smile
No more puckered chin!
Forehead Lines
A smooth forehead at rest and when expressing yourself.
Jawline Slimming
Snatch the jaw and reduce tension.
Lip Lines
Vertical lines that form above the lip.
Before Treatment
Prior to your treatment, we ask that you minimize the use of skin-sensitizing products like vitamin A derivatives and chemical exfoliants. We also ask that you stop using NSAIDs and blood thinners a week prior, if possible: we can go over your appointment preparation during the consultation
During Treatment
During treatment, we first cleanse the targeted area before applying a numbing cream and mapping the injection sites. Then, we inject and send you on your way!
After Treatment
After treatment, you need to treat your skin like it’s a delicate piece of silk. For the best results, stay out of the sun, and avoid heavy exercise or other strenuous activities for the next few days. We’ll cover what you need to do for your unique lifestyle during a consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve compiled some commonly asked questions about Dysport® below so you can get the answers you need, fast.
DYSPORT® Results Gallery
See just what Dysport® can do for you by taking a look at the results our beautiful patients have had!